
Samantha Lim’s most recent collection breathes new life into an old tradition. Chinese knots have been around for thousands of years, but Lim takes them in a new direction. She selects particular knotting techniques from the many traditional Chinese weaves and uses them to convert single pieces of string into intricate, sturdy links in an elegant chain. The result is a sophistication born of simplicity. The lightweight necklaces and bracelets run the gamut from vibrant and colorful to understated and classy. They can be as fun or as formal as any jewelry you wear, and suitable for any outing you will attend. The unique design can be fastened by a tassel, magnetic clip or an adjustable cordon, all adding their own flair. One of each is included, and add-ons which allow experiments with new color combinations, are available. Allergy-free and affordable, washable and versatile, this collection shows how much more this ancient tradition has to offer.

  • Colorful
  • Versatile
  • Light weight
  • Allergy-free
  • Washable
  • Affordable